Psychological Services
WCPS receives referrals from a wide range of sources including doctors, lawyers, career counsellors, disability management personnel, insurance adjusters, teachers, and private clients. Regardless of the source, the request is always the same: a better understanding of a person’s strengths, challenges, interests and abilities to support a person to achieve their goals.
The WCPS team of psychologists, psychometrists and administrative staff have experience with clients presenting a variety of challenges including:
- Physical challenges resulting from an injury; a developmental condition such as cerebral palsy; a hearing or sight impairment; or a medical condition, such as arthritis, multiple sclerosis, or ALS.
- Mental health challenges such as mood, anxiety, personality, or adjustment disorders.
- Cognitive challenges resulting from medical conditions, such as stroke, or epilepsy; concussion or acquired head or brain injury; or a degenerative or developmental neurological condition.
- Developmental disabilities such as autism or fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, or intellectual disabilities from a wide variety of causes.
We are familiar with the interaction of disability, pain, and psychological variables and are cognizant of these interactions while conducting assessments.